Component Toolbox .NET v2.0 launches a value pack of Eleven .NET compliant, Visual Studio 2005 royalty-free, WinForms and Smart Client controls for addressing navigation, UI presentation and most importantly data presentations supported by an awesome snap-in reporting tool - dbiList, a ListView AND TreeView combined in one control.
Skinnable and ready for Vista styling, Component Toolbox .NET also contains dbiExplorerBar (a combination - ListBar/ NavBar/ Explorer/ Outlook navigation control), any-shape dbiButton control, programmable calculator control - dbiCalc, digital dashboard controls - dbiDial and dbiGauge, digital readout control - dbiDigit, Progress and instrumentation - dbiMeter, dbiSlide - a Fully customizable thumb, track, background image - you name it slider control, and the 4-point multi-style Tab & Tab strip control - dbiTabs.
Component ToolBox .NET Includes:
dbiExplorerBar v2.0
dbiListView 1.0
dbiTabs v2.0
dbiButton v2.0
dbiCalculator v2.0
dbiDial v2.0
dbiDigit v2.0
dbiGauge v2.0
dbiLabel v2.0
dbiMeter v2.0
dbiSlide v2.0
Please Note:
Both Xtras.Net & have ceased operations and as such cannot supply you with this product.