ImageMan.Net Imaging toolkit

build high performance imaging and document management applications in .Net

From Data Techniques, Inc.

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The ImageMan.NetŪ toolkit is a set of 100% Managed .Net classes and WinForms controls for building high performance imaging and document management applications in .Net. Data Techniques Inc. has once again leveraged it's experience in the field to offer compact, easy to use, quality imaging components specifically built for .NET and the Microsoft .NET framework

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Item Pricing and Availability for ImageMan.Net Imaging toolkit Version 1

ImageMan.Net Imaging toolkit Version 1
Item# Description Delivered Weight Avail? DevRewardsPrice Buy
ImageMan.Net Toolkit - Additional Server License
Vendor Download  0-1
960  $170   
ImageMan.Net Toolkit - Single Developer License
Vendor Download  0-1
5760  $518   
ImageMan.Net Toolkit - Team License (5 Developers)
Vendor Download  0-1
17160  $1,035