
Featuring integration with Visual Studio 2005 and full support for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Sol

From SourceGear Corporation

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SourceOffSite is a true client/server solution designed to provide quick and reliable access to a SourceSafe database from remote locations as well as non-Windows platforms. The SourceOffSite Client provides an interface that closely resembles Visual SourceSafe Explorer, allowing users to perform most SourceSafe operations via a familiar interface. SourceOffSite supports data encryption to ensure secure transfer of your data.

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Item Pricing and Availability for SourceOffSite Version 4.2

SourceOffSite Version 4.2
Item# Description Delivered Weight Avail? DevRewardsPrice Buy
Upgrade to SourceOffSite 4.x (one license)(Upgrade from any previous release of SourceOffSite Classic. Purchase one of these for each user license which you want to upgrade.)
Vendor Download  0-1
400  $89   
Vendor Download  0-1
920  $214   
SourceOffSite (5 pack)
Vendor Download  0-1
14280  $998   
SourceOffSite (10 pack)
Vendor Download  0-1
47040  $1,827   
SourceOffSite (25 pack)
Vendor Download  0-1
145600  $4,246   
SourceOffSite (100 pack)
Vendor Download  0-1
529600  $15,446