
Signature Capture component

From Bennet-Tec Information Systems

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  • Capture HandWritten Signatures
  • IE & Pocket IE compatible
  • Designed for web use with standard HTML, ASP, ASP.NET
  • Also Suitable for standard Windows applications - VB, VC, Access
  • Customizable presentation

The WebSignature (WebSign.OCX) ActiveX control presents a window where users can sign their name with a mouse or a pen tablet. WebSignature can then capture that handwritten signature and submit ( POST) it back to a web server.

WebSignature is implemented as an ActiveX component ( and associated CAB files) that can that can be embedded in either an HTML web page or a standard Windows application. ( The control is not limited to web use – it may be also used within standard Windows applications, and signatures may also be captured and saved locally or over a standard windows network )

WebSignature is compatible with both Desktop versions of MS Windows ( 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 ) as well as Windows Mobile edition for the Pocket PC ( currently for Pocket PCs based on ARM compatible processors - Ask us about other platforms - MIPS or SH3 )

The signature is transmitted to the server as a set of curves. Sample ASP and ASP.NET projects are provided for recognizing the data received by the server as an image which may be then saved as an image file, stored in a database, or returned to the user in a new web page for confirmation.

WebSignature supports a set of properties to control the appearance of the signature capture window – border thickness and color, line thickness and color, presentation of a baseline, and specification of background color.

Please Note:
Both Xtras.Net & VBXtras.com have ceased operations and as such cannot supply you with this product.

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